People of knowledge say that everything in the world in form of dome originated from tyubeteyka (traditional Central Asian skullcap). Even the mountains which in Turkic language have root “tyuba”. People invented tyubeteykas so that make it interesting for the Lord to look down at them. And probably to identify exactly who is who. Because tyubeteyka is not only a head dress protecting from ardent sun, but also a passport telling about a person much more than himself. Tyubeteyka is a business card, an amulet, a symbol of respect.

For example, four flowers on the upper part of male tyubeteyka are symbols of health protection. While 16 flowers along the edge – a wish to have large full family with 16 children. Bindweed on the lover part of tyubeteyka – wealth and viability. Feathers of bright birds such as cock, pheasant or peacock – protection from evil eye. The same meaning has “track of a snake”. Sheep horns – strength and courage, fish – woman fertility.

Uzbekistan is famous around the globe for its tyubeteykas, it became our national patrimony. Each tyubeteyka has motherland – a place where it was created. Tyubeteyka craftspeople live and work in Fergana, Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, and Khorezm meaning whole vast regions, not just towns. By the way, in the beginning of the previous century gold embroidery tyubeteykas were made only by men, and only in the middle of 20th century this handicraft passed to women. It was thought that gold grew dim within time if woman touched it, as gold was symbol of man. It is not known if this notion is true, yet sometimes tyubeteykas of the same age but with glowing and dim golden threads can be found.

The largest amount of tyubeteykas come from Fergana Valley. This country is famous for its tyubeteykas craftswoman. Chust tyubeteyka has already become a brand just as Samarkand bread or Fergana pilaf. And Chust in Fergana Valley is a well-known town of tyubeteykas.

Each craftswoman knows all ornamental patters of tyubeteykas but it is never enough for her and she enriches patterns with her imagination. She creates something of her own – a masterpiece. The most complete exposition of tyubeteykas belongs to Uzbekistan Museum of Applied Arts. At the Museum everything is known about tyubeteykas.