05 SEPTEMBER 2019 Y.
And here is another amazing place in Uzbekistan, for those travelers who are not looking for the beaten track.
Zaamin Nature Reserve & National Park is the paradise corner and the most unique place in Central Asia, or even in the whole world. The leisure here can be classified as medical tourism - the very air in Zaamin can heal. Surprisingly, even at the peak of heat in Zaamin air temperature does not rise above 33 degrees. The normal temperature is about 27, even in the sun, thanks to the cumulus clouds. It is so fresh and easy to breathe that Zaamin air - its smelling of mountain flowers and herbs is noticed by all who come here. And what stars are in Zaamin! It is not without reason that Suffa International Radio Astronomy Observatory is located here. Huge and bright, you feel as if you can reach them with your hand...
The reserve was established in 1960, and the goal was to preserve the unique juniper forests that cover the slopes of the mountains. The highest point of the reserve is 3,500 meters above sea level. It is called by the locals our second Switzerland. This land remembers Alexander the Great and his iron warriors, who defeated the Sogdian army here. Is Zaamin an ancient city of Kiropolis (Kireshata)? Who knows...
The sharply continental climate makes it possible to travel in Zaamin when the rest of Uzbekistan is under the power of chilla, the forty-day saraton (very hot weather). And in winter it snows a lot, and temperatures drop to a stark minus 30 degrees Celsius. But this does not stop lovers of mountain recreation.
On the territory of Zaamin National Park, there is a lot of interesting natural monuments and artifacts.
For example, Boboyongokh, Grandfather of Walnut, a huge sprawling tree. In the autumn here come to gather the fruit and worship the Saint, who was buried in this place according to legend. He had a walnut tree in his pocket and it sprouted. In its shade, it is very good to rest and think. Of course, to dine on the famous Zaamin tandyr gusht, a dish which, no offense to other regions, is possible only in Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, and Zaamin.
Zaamin Sharshara - the mountain waterfall which descends in a powerful stream and turns into a sai is a favorite place of holidaymakers.
The millennial Archa is where the Zaamin air is most noticeable. It is whimsical and polished by human hands - people come to touch it and ask for help. The tree has amazing energy!
And many other sights - Bosch Peshagor, Five Caves, and the holy place of Sufi Hodja Serob Ota. Fanciful stones - Mushroom and Forty Girls, or Sphinxes, Castle Myk, the unique Chortangi Canyon...
Just below Sherbulok, a lion spring where you can buy the famous Zaamin spices - incredibly fragrant Zira, oils, bitter almonds, dried herbs which are collected by locals. And of course a ride on a horse.
It is advisable to come to Zaamin for five days. To see all the wonders, relax and breathe the air, sleep and gather mountain herbs. See the unique scenery and really stop time!