18 DECEMBER 2019 Y.
Lyazgi dance as a cultural heritage of UNESCO.
Exciting dance originally from Khorezm has always been the Uzbek peoples’ and their culture property. On December 12, 2019, it began to carry the proud title of World Heritage: at the 14th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, the Uzbek delegation presented the unique Khorezm dance to the world community.
Without a vote, Lyazgi was included on the Representative List of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Carrying his story through the millennia, he tells about the antiquity of his origin: a dance with Zoroastrian roots appeared even when people discovered fire and worshiped it.
Lyazgi is not just a skilful dance, but a real-life that shoot by within a few minutes of performance. The fervent & graceful movements express emotions and feelings so strongly that the soul breaks into dance. Dancing on knees half bend legs, the dancers deftly shake their shoulders, create subtle movements of their hands soaring in the air like birds, and perform the main gesture of any Uzbek dance - the movement of the neck and head from left to right or vice versa. Girls' suits are decorated with golden "coins" that make a pleasant sound reminiscent of rustling. Women's hats are decorated with a lush yellow feather, and men are content with a fur hat.
UNESCO, in turn, is committed to preserving, popularizing and enhancing this Khorezm dance. After all, every guest of a pearl country among the steppes & sands of Central Asia should experience admiration for the charming movements of Lyazgi and its wonderful atmosphere.
Uzbekistan, as a country with enormous cultural wealth, is ready to present many interesting candidates for a role in UNESCO's list of cultural heritage. Next in turn are the art of Bakhshi (storytellers of folk epic) & folk sports (wrestling Kurash, Darvaz, horseback riding).