31 AGOSTO 2019 Y.
Everyone has already forgotten why this cult place 70 kilometers from Tashkent is called "Bochki" or "Three Bochki". There are no barrels there for a long time.
31 AGOSTO 2019 Y.
Everyone has already forgotten why this cult place 70 kilometers from Tashkent is called "Bochki" or "Three Bochki". There are no barrels there for a long time.
31 AGOSTO 2019 Y.
The composition of the center of the old part of Bukhara is a madrasah built by Vizier Nodir Devon Begi. In fact, the idea was to build a caravanserai, which would be conveniently located in the bustling bazaar square.
31 AGOSTO 2019 Y.
Wood had a special significance in the Middle East. The mountainous and desert terrain did not allow the use of wood in large quantities because of its value.
31 AGOSTO 2019 Y.
People of knowledge say that everything in the world in form of dome originated from tyubeteyka (traditional Central Asian skullcap).
31 AGOSTO 2019 Y.
Some 80 kilometers from Tashkent, there is a small place of Khodjikent which is deeply beloved by all Tashkent people
31 AGOSTO 2019 Y.
Music is a mirror of the country, where the entire palette of its historical past, extended for thousands of years, the true color and unique originality of the mentality of its inhabitants are displayed in a kaleidoscope.
31 AGOSTO 2019 Y.
Uzbekistan is known throughout the world for its centuries-old tradition of hospitality. At any time of the year in every corner of the country you can always count on a warm welcome from locals, ready to show you the way.
31 AGOSTO 2019 Y.
Ramadan Hayit is a great and long-awaited holiday of our country, marking the end of the holy Muslim fasting Ruza, compliance of which is one of the five pillars of Islam.
31 AGOSTO 2019 Y.
A remarkable feature of the past and what is now known as the Great Silk Road is one of the greatest achievements of the ancient Orient. The Great Silk Road is a monument to human inquisitiveness, entrepreneurship.
31 AGOSTO 2019 Y.
The architectural decoration of the most ancient cities of our country amazes even experienced travellers.
Uzbekistan 2024